BACK FROM EUROPEFinally I am back from my great trip to Europe. After a few weeks in the amazing country of Spain and then the rest of the time in my home country of Norway I am back. My trip was very eventful, that would explain the lack of posts. My summer was excellent. I had a great time, as I always do. I love the scenery of Europe, it is very beautiful there. One point I didn't like is the fact that movies arrive weeks after there opening date. This is why I have missed out on many great films. I was still able to see Miami Vice, Pirates Of The Caribbean and Superman Returns, all of which were very good. I have yet to see Snakes On A Plane and World Trade Center, only to name a few. I just wanted to post to say I was back and will post my movie journals of the last few months. When on vacation one tends not to see as many movies, this being the case for me. I also have yet to put up flixster on my blog.
By the way, I picked up the deluxe edition of Scarface. I got it for around forty dollars. It comes with the 20th anniversary edition of Scarface, the original 1932 version of Scarface, a Tony Montana engraved money clip and collectible lobby cards containing scenes from the film all wrapped up in a cool box.
Also, I recently saw the trailer for
Spider-Man 3 and it looks excellent.
Things are looking good for me getting my Xbox 360, bad news: I will have to wait until Christmas most likely. That will be perfect timing seeing as that is the time Halo 3 comes out.
Due to my clumsy brother breaking my DS I had to buy a new one, thankfully my parents bought because it wasn't my fault. I took the opportunity to buy the new DS Lite, it is awesome. It is much sleeker and less bulky than the original, plus the screen is better and brighter.
I also recently purchased Metroid Prime Hunters for the Nintendo DS and, in order to keep it short I will simply say that it is excellent. It may be my favorite DS game so far or at least tied with Mario Kart DS and Super Mario 64 DS.