Today I picked up a copy of both Kill Bill Vol. I (2003) and Vol. II (2004). I really enjoyed these films and have been meaning to purchase them for a while. One thing that I really enjoyed in Vol. I is the animated part of the film, it was very cool to see a sequence of animation integrated into a movie. Rarely do you see aspects such as color, black & white, and animation all in the same movie. I am a fan of all of these things therefore I loved the fact that they were all in Kill Bill. Another thing that made these films excellent was their superb scores and how they perfectly suit each scene that they were placed in; this seems to be the case for most of Quentin Tarantino's films and that is one of the many reasons why his films are so memorable. The brilliant score in Kill Bill comes from The RZA (Vol. I) and Robert Rodriguez (Vol. II), it also comes from bands like the 5,6,7,8's for performing in Vol. I, the performance helped set the mood in the House Of Blue Leaves. I rented both volumes of the films over the weekend, seeing as I hadn't seen them for a while, but it turned out to be a waste because the day after I watched them I went out and bought them because they are such good movies. I was waiting to purchase them due to rumors surrounding multidisc editions of the films but since these were fairly inexpensive, costing only about twenty dollars each, I decided to buy them now and if the multidisc editions ever do come out I imagine I will purchase them as well, depending on how different they are from these two. I also heard rumors of a Kill Bill Vol. III, it would follow Vernita Green's daughter as she seeks to get payback on The Bride for the murder of her mother. If the film ever gets made Quentin Tarantino said it wouldn't be for another ten years or so. The DVD doesn't have too many special features but they both have a pretty cool "making of..." featurette and Vol. II has an awesome deleted scene in which Bill takes on a team of samurai and beats them effortlessly. The films also have trailers for all of the Tarantino films and performances by The 5,6,7,8's (a band from Japan that was featured at the House Of Blue Leaves in Vol. I) and Chingon (a band formed with Sin City director Robert Rodriguez, who composed the film's original score for free). The films are directed by Quentin Tarantino who also directed great films such as Reservoir Dogs (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), and Jackie Brown (1997). He is an excellent director and I really enjoy his films. I plan on watching both volumes back to back tonight, I was meaning to watch them in a row earlier in the weekend but my dad wanted to see them again as well so I watched Vol. I on Saturday night and Vol. II on Sunday night with him. I would definently recommend these or any of the Tarantino films because they are all excellent.
I still need to buy these, because I've been hanging out for the rumoured multidisc DVD special edition that QT has been supposedly working on.
But I might crack down, because they are so good.
If a multidisc DVD ever does come out I will most likely purchase it, but for now these will do. I hope that there is a Kill Bill vol. III because these are great films.
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