Sunday, April 02, 2006

Yesterday afternoon I visited the local library and took out The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. I began to read it as soon as I got home and ended up finishing the whole book that night. It only took me a couple of hours to read because there were just under 100 pages in the copy that I got, keeping in mind that from each page only about three quarters of the page was used. I won't get into an in depth description of the book but I will say that I really liked it and that it could be one of my new favorite stories. It sounds like a simple story at first glance (a man who wakes up only to find he has been transformed into a bug) but after reading it you realize all the complex emotions involved, you also realize how bad it would be if you were a bug. I would recommend it to anyone and I am planning to purchase the Franz Kafka complete story collection, but since it is missing the three novels (Amerika, The Trial, and The Castle) it isn't quite complete. The collection does come with many stories and it is about six hundred pages long. I plan to purchase it just before my trip to my Europe, which happens to be where I'm from (Trondheim in Norway to be specific), this summer. I will read it on the flight over --most likely the 10+ hour flight.

-In other news I ordered the Almost Famous bootleg edition on Amazon. It should be here in a matter of days. I can hardly stand the wait. Also, I plan on posting my movie journal for the month of March. I watched about 25 films in all last month, which I consider to be quite a good number of films.



At 12:02 AM, Blogger Anders said...

When I finally get some time to read something that's not for my grad seminars, one of them is going to be The Metamorphosis. Damn straight! Bring on the end of April!

OH, and congrats on the Almost Famous Bootleg Edition. Still one of my all time favourites, even if it pisses off Aren. Ha!

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Alex said...

You should read The Metamorphosis. It is short yet really good. I highly reccomend it.


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